Sunday, February 2, 2014

We are one in the Spirit, we are one in the Lord

The week has gone by quickly!

This afternoon I visited an orphanage where 55 children reside.  I was impressed with how well kept up it is.  Many of the children were in primary school.  The young ones ages 4-7 were in a class at the home.  Several  of the children  ages 14-15 are waiting for money to come through so they can attend the secondary school where they have been admitted.   This money comes from donations received through the long term missionaries here and the need is always great.  It costs about $400.00 to send a child to boarding school.  This includes books and uniforms but is an insurmountable amount for these kids as well as for many families.  If anyone would like to help I can give you the information and you can know that your money is being well spent. 

Sadly what a day.  The sunt operation for baby Jesse could not take place because she has a severe infection.  Of course Mom is afraid and discouraged.  So am I.  I fear that Jesse is going to be very impaired cognitively.  I think mom is beginning to realize this as well.  Kenyan Mothers are so stoic; they rarely cry or show emotion.  I wish that she could just break down and sob. It is what I feel like doing.   

On a lighter note, I fed some twins whose mother has been psychotic postpartum but is doing much better. She  came tonight to try and breast feed and it actually went quite well.  I was thankful for that as it was important that she be able to have enough milk!

I can report to Circle 2 and a Sunday School member from First Presbyterian that the house you donated for the widower with nine children is a reality.  Today, I met with the pastor of the village church and with the lady who conducts Bible study in that area .  They both were impressive intelligent people.  Two churches will work together as community and hopefully begin to build the house next week.    I will report on the details as I get them.  We may have a little extra money to buy a bed or some blankets for the family.  The pastor reports that the twins are being cared for by the grandmother and doing well.  We prayed together at the end of our meeting that God would bless this new house and bless this family and that all of the children would come to love the Lord Jesus.  We  also thanked God for the people in America that have made the house  possible.  My eyes were pretty misty at the end of the prayer.  I am blessed to be a part of the generosity from the village church and from my home church family. 

January 31, 2014

p.s  This post was delayed due to technical issues of internet access.

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